After being excited as a team to be the first humans to get ready to travel to Mars. These five voyages received news that nuclear missiles launched from North Korea and are headed to the US. This left these voyages concerned about their families along with second guessing about turning their backs against this mission. As majority ruled 3 of them said yes to take off they knew at this moment it was a chance they wouldn't see their families again along with never being able to come back home as it was a chance the US would be wiped out. As a team they faced a difficult choice when heading to Mars.
2. This film has proved itself to be a dystopian time frame. As these voyages were listening to a song called “Family,” by the ska band The Interrupters" which indicates that they were enjoying lives before this catastrophe. Their lives changed in a blink of an eye after hearing this horrific news. I believe that a dystopia is defined through our own fate and fear. In this episode I feel we will all agree that this is defined to be a dystopia. As we all share the fear of our family passing and traveling to another planet without having a clue if you would make it back. The commander Alexa stated he had nightmares. These nightmares consisted of her being back home at her family's house. She describes the blue skies and the nice breeze she pictures in her dreams. Until she notices in the dream that she is dreaming. Alexa tries not to wake up so she can continue to feel peace and feel at home during this horrific time Her definition of a nightmare is this world. In other words her definition of a dystopia.